

Matriruiz, S.L.U. is a beneficiary company of the “Mentoring and Support for the Internationalization of SMEs” program of the Spanish Chamber of Commerce, financed by the European Union through the NextGenerationEU funds of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience...

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Support Program for Productive and Technological Investments

Matriruiz, S.L.U. successfully completes its “Programme to Support Productive and Technological Investments” project, which has been possible thanks to the financial collaboration of the Institute for the Promotion of the Region of Murcia (INFO) and the European...

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Once again Matriruiz was present at the Metpack 2023 international fair.

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Support Program for Productive and Technological Investments

Matriruiz, S.L. with the financial support of INFO and FEDER, finalizes the project “Support Program for Productive and Technological Investments”. Matriruiz, S.L., a mechanization and automation company located in the Industrial Area La Estrella in Molina de Segura –...

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Review of our Quality Policy

Matriruiz revises its Quality Policy due to the change of regulations that will take place in 2018 and with the objective of providing a better service and quality to its customers. Matriruiz, S.L. is a machining and industrial automation company placed in Molina de...

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Managemewnt of Logistics Processes

Matriruiz S.L with the financial support of INFO and FEDER, finalizes the project "Improvement of the management of logistics processes in SMEs". Matriruiz S.L, a mechanization and automation company located in the industrial area La Estrella in Molina de...

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Implementation of ISO 9001 Standar

The Matriruiz Management wants to announce that the company have implemented and certified ISO 9001 Standard Quality to improve in all internal company processes and direct processes to our customers in order to advance to a continuous improvement. With this action we...

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Matriruiz will participe in GulfCan 2015

Matriruiz will be present in the international fair GulfCan 2015 which will be held in Dubai from the 14th to the 16th of April. After the assistance to Metpack 2015, Matriruiz will participate in the metallographic fair to present the head liner   to the...

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Matriruiz was present at GulfCan 2015

The lining system   arouse interest in the Arabic market. The presence of Matriruiz at GulfCan 2015 aroused interest among the attendees, especially the , over which a presentation was done and generated a great expectation and enquiries. Once more, Matriruiz staff...

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Matriruiz ends a good year

The first commercial activity year around the new head liner   has been closed with positive results. After the successful attendance to the international fair Metpack where Matriruiz was granted with the Innovation Golden Award, the local authorities...

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