Efficient (eficiente)
Compact (compacta)
Robust (robusta)
Versatile (versátil)
Precise (precisa)
Reliable (fiable)
Durable (duradera)
Fast (rápida)
Heavy-duty (resistente)
Efficient (eficiente)
Compact (compacta)
Robust (robusta)
Versatile (versátil)
Precise (precisa)
Reliable (fiable)
Durable (duradera)
Fast (rápida)
Heavy-duty (resistente)
Efficient (eficiente)
Compact (compacta)
Robust (robusta)
Versatile (versátil)
Precise (precisa)
Reliable (fiable)
Durable (duradera)
Fast (rápida)
Heavy-duty (resistente)
Efficient (eficiente)
Compact (compacta)
Robust (robusta)
Versatile (versátil)
Precise (precisa)
Reliable (fiable)
Durable (duradera)
Fast (rápida)
Heavy-duty (resistente)
Efficient (eficiente)
Compact (compacta)
Robust (robusta)
Versatile (versátil)
Precise (precisa)
Reliable (fiable)
Durable (duradera)
Fast (rápida)
Heavy-duty (resistente)
Efficient (eficiente)
Compact (compacta)
Robust (robusta)
Versatile (versátil)
Precise (precisa)
Reliable (fiable)
Durable (duradera)
Fast (rápida)
Heavy-duty (resistente)
Efficient (eficiente)
Compact (compacta)
Robust (robusta)
Versatile (versátil)
Precise (precisa)
Reliable (fiable)
Durable (duradera)
Fast (rápida)
Heavy-duty (resistente)
MatriRuiz, S.L. is a machining and industrial automation company, sectors that nowadays are closely linked. We make tooling for the canning industry, manufacture of spare parts according to drawings, process engineering, PLC’s programming, HMI and SCADA systems, traceability, etc.
Our team carries out all kinds of customised services such as remodelling, restoration, updating, etc. of production lines, as well as the development of new lines or processes according to the specifications of our clients.
In this sense, the company has carried out several projects for the metallographic, plastic, paper and confectionery industries, obtaining excellent results.
From its beginnings in 2002 as a mechanical workshop, the company has evolved over the years to become an electromechanical workshop.
Our Clients Trust Us

C/ Aldebarán, 26. Buzón 28 Pol. Ind. La Estrella 30500 Molina de Segura MURCIA. (SPAIN)